None of us Party Plan Consultants want to be spend a whole day at a Vendor Event & come back with no new party bookings, do we?  NO WAY!

These 3 tips are going to help you get bookings on the day of your next Vendor Event!  Phew…. sigh of relief!

Let’s get into it:

3 MUST-DO’s to get bookings on the day of a Vendor Event as a Direct Seller

Write down these notes & fill in the gaps as we go through the video training together:

Simple Phrases to use that have been tested to WORK to get Bookings at VENDOR EVENTS

  1. TALK ABOUT FREE PRODUCTS FOR BOOKING: “I’m here today because ____  ______  _______________  for people who prefer __________  ________________”
  2. GIVE AWAY A BONUS FOR BOOKING TODAY: “Everyone who books a party here today, ___  _____  __________ ____________ ‘X’ as an extra _________  as a thankyou from me for _______________  _____  _____________ new people in the local area.”
  3. ASK THE CLOSING QUESTION: “If you were to _____________  ____  ________________  would you prefer a _______________  or a _________________ ?”

Here’s our NEXT FREE WEBINAR!  Topic: “How to Get Bookings WHEN YOU HAVE NONE”

Ready now at

Webinar Topic: “How to Get Bookings WHEN YOU HAVE NONE”

To claim your FREE SPOT – go to

♥ Melanie Parker, founder of Party Plan 123 & creator of ‘The Road Map to Party Plan Success

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN PRINT OR ONLINE? Go ahead, but please do not alter it and do include the following information (with active links as appropriate)  Melanie Parker is the creator of ‘The Road Map to Party Plan Success’home study course & one of the top party-planconsultants world-wide using fast & proven strategies to NEVER EVER Run out of Bookings AGAIN!  She founded Party Plan 123 to teach up & coming consultants world-wide how to master the skills necessary to survive & thrive in the party plan industry.

Melanie’s authentic, easy-to-understand & easy-to-implement training has become highly sought after.  Her videos, books, newsletters, products &seminars inspire thousands of people around the world to never give up.  Experience more of Melanie’s generous tips for success at