There are 3 steps during your party that get bookings; miss one of these steps and you will miss out on potential bookings that could have filled your calendar.
(NOTE: Resources from this blog post such as the Wish List Template, Party Introduction Script, Free Product Commercial Break Script, Group Bookings Pitch Script and more can be obtained for you to use to get more bookings at your party at
Party guests don’t typically walk through the door and announce that they want to book a party on arrival; it’s all about building the desire for your party guest to WANT to book a party with you. We do that by creating momentum throughout the party with three steps that turn into bookings by the end of the party.
It’s similar to gardening; a flower doesn’t bloom as soon as a seed is planted. A plant needs time mixed with the right conditions for growth before the flower will bloom. Before we ask for the booking, we must first plant the booking seed, then nurture that booking seedling as it grows, until the timing and the conditions are right to harvest the booking tree, in order to get they ‘YES’ to the question of booking a party.
To get more bookings at your very next party, take your guests on a journey throughout the party by using these three steps to increase the desire for your party guest to WANT to say ‘YES’ to booking a party with you:
PLANT the booking seed
NURTURE the booking seedling as interest grows from your party guests
HARVEST the plant when the timing is right to ask for the booking
Plant the booking seed
What we want to help you do during the party is build the momentum, so that ideally at the end you have at least two bookings per party. The first step, or what we call it—planting a booking seed, does exactly that.
This step happens during the party introduction. Catch your guests’ attention right from the beginning by letting them know that you have FREE PRODUCTS to give away today and that you are looking for the first three ladies who want to say ‘YES’ to the free products.
Think about how you are running your party introduction. Are you doing something in your party introduction that lets all of your party guests know that you’ve got FREE PRODUCTS to give away? When I use the words ‘FREE PRODUCTS’, I’m referring to ‘booking a party’ and getting the free products through the host rewards that your company offers, but I am using wording that will attract your party guests’ interest and leave them wanting to know more.
There’s a couple of things that I do in a party introduction to plant the seed immediately to allow people to understand that we are offering the opportunity for free products today through booking a party.
There are two ways that I would do this in the party introduction:
When I am explaining to the group how I met the hostess. Most times, I’ve met the host from a previous party and that previous host is here at this party today.
Let’s say that Sally is my hostess today, but I met her at Erica’s party that we had a couple of weeks ago; I would say something like, “Ladies, to let you know how I’ve met Sally, we met when Sally came along to Erica’s party just a couple of weeks ago. And Erica, we had such an awesome party and you got so many free products, didn’t you? In fact, I think you ended up with about $200 worth of free products on the day at your party. And then, on top of that, you get to go shopping for free today with compliments of our company; you’ve got a half-price voucher that you can use today. So, Erica, you get to choose anything that you like in the whole entire range of our products today with the half-price voucher as a thank you gift for introducing me to Sally who’s having her party today.”
Can you see what I did there? I’ve established the relationship and the connection by explaining how I know today’s host. I met her through the previous host. But, can you see how I’ve done a mini little booking advertisement there? I planted the booking seed by letting the party guests know that Erica has a half-priced voucher today to choose anything from the whole entire range as her booking bonus for introducing me to Sally. AND…. that’s on top of the $200 free products Erica got on the day of her party! WOW, now that’s a booking seed! (You will say the dollar amounts and booking bonuses that are true and correct for your hostess and your company where I am giving examples)
I also let everyone know how generous our company is and what we’ve got on offer today by doing an early announcement to the group of party guests.
And the way that I would do that to plant a booking seed is I would say, “Now, ladies, you’re going to love this. You’ll be so excited because the great news is, XYZ Company is so generous and today, we have got loads and loads of FREE PRODUCTS to give away and in fact, we are looking for the first three ladies who would love to say yes to the free products.”
Now, that’s just planting a booking seed. The party guests don’t need to know all the answers about how the free products work just yet (we will build their understanding in the NURTURE section), but it’s planting the booking seed and it’s getting the party guests to just start to consider, “Ooooohhhh….. that sounds interesting. How can I get the free products?”
Nurture the booking seedling
The next step is nurturing. You have to nurture the desire of your guests by demonstrating your products and giving them an opportunity to understand how the host rewards work.
Once you have got the interest coming in and your party guests are starting to ask, “How can I get the free products?” after the party introduction, what we want to do next is demonstrate. As we do product demonstrations and you start showing all of your products, give the guests an opportunity to understand how the host rewards work.
Have a party guest be your model or your demonstrator show a whole combination of products with that guest helping you as your assistant. Once you’ve shown all of those products together and your party guests are highlighting all their favorite products on their wish list, that is a perfect opportunity to do what we call a free product demonstration.
Demonstrate an example of the host rewards based on that combination of products that have just been displayed.
You’ll say something like, “Now, ladies, if you wanted to get a whole combination of products like this, one of the best ways of doing that is by saying yes to the free products like Sally is doing today.”
Now this is where Step 1 and Step 2 start to tie in together because think of yourself as a party guest in that party introduction where I’ve just planted the seed by syaing, “Ladies, great news is we’ve got loads of free products to give away today and we’re looking for the first three ladies to say yes to the free products.”
You, as a party guest, will probably be sitting there and starting to ask yourself the question, “Well, what did she mean by free products? And how can I get the free products?”
So then, as you’re doing your party demonstration and you are starting to show all of the products, and then you do your little commercial break where you say,
“Now, ladies, one of the best ways of owning a whole combination of these products is by saying yes to the free products like Sally is doing today.”
That’s where the penny is starting to drop. And that’s where your party guests are now starting to understand that when you talk about free products, you are referring to booking a party.
The words “free products” will catch their attention and spark up the interest much, much more than using the words “when you book a party”. Trust me…. I’ve seen the difference in the look in their eyes; when we talk about free products, their eyes light up, they sit up straight in their chair and lean in to listen to what’s coming up next.
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We nurture the booking seed by doing a product demonstration and then a free product commercial break where we explain the host rewards and give an example:
“Imagine. If you wanted to own a whole combination of these products, the best way to do that is by saying yes to having your own get-together like Sally is today and getting the free products, because a lot of hostesses might choose this product and this product as their free gifts with their credit on the day. And then, just like Erica’s got her half off voucher, they might choose the more expensive bundled products like this with their voucher to save the most money. And before you know it, some of our hostesses have even ended up with $300-$400 of FREE PRODUCTS just for having their own get-together with friends…. IMAGINE THAT!”
Now your party guest understands that instead of buying everything on their wish list, they could get better value and save money by booking a party.
This is the time to reap the harvest.
Harvest the booking
This is the all-important one and this is what a lot of party plan consultants miss out on. And this could be why you might not be getting as many bookings per party as you are really wishing for. Step #3 is all about asking the closing question. What we need to do is ask for the booking.
This is the fun time when all those ‘YES’s’ start coming in and the bookings begin to fill your calendar.
The bookings harvest happens in a one-on-one conversation with every single guest while you’re taking the orders.
There’s many different ways that you can do this.
EXAMPLE: As you go to sit down one-on-one and take the orders in the shopping time, you might reflect over the wish list and say, “Mary, you’ve got such a big wish list here. And some of these items, I do notice that you’ve got a little bit of expensive taste there … (little giggle together). Do you know that I could help you to get some of those items for FREE or half price if you’d like to have your own get-together like Sally has done today? How do you feel about that?”
What I’ve done there is asked Mary a booking closing question in a one-on-one private situation. We are sitting down to take her order, but first I want to ask her something about booking a party.
ANOTHER EXAMPLE: You might have a lady like Joanne, who’s been really bubbly and excited. Every time you talk about free products, she’s jumping off the chair and putting her hand up in the air. When Joanne sits down and goes to place her order, you might say, “Now, Joanne, how about we have a party for you so that we can get you lots of free products? How does that sound?” Because Joanne has been showing signs of excitement and enthusiasm throughout the party, we can be much more direct with someone like her.
No matter which party guest you are having a one-on-one conversation with, the key message here is DO ASK A CLOSING QUESTION TO EACH AND EVERY PERSON ABOUT BOOKING A PARTY.
Do not be afraid of objections because each no brings you one step closer to the next yes!
Think of it this way; Let’s say you’ve got eight people that show up to a party. How many bookings would make you really happy? If you got two bookings just from the one party, would you be happy with that? Of course, you would be! You would absolutely love to get two bookings from one party.
So if you’ve got eight guests and you end up with two bookings, it means that you are getting six no’s along the way. So don’t be afraid of the rejection or the objections because it’s an opportunity for us to offer the chance to say yes to the free products and let the party guests decide.
So, if your goal from the beginning was to get two bookings per party and you have eight guests, that means that you will get six nos and still reach your goal.
Reaping the harvest is all about asking for the booking and making sure that we have asked every single party guest one-on-one something about if they’d like to get the free products for having their own get-together as a hostess.
All three steps listed above build the momentum and lead you to that crucial moment when your party guests say yes to booking a party with you. We call it a cycle of growth of booking—plant, nurture, harvest.
You begin by telling them in the party introduction that today you are giving away FREE PRODUCTS. In product demonstrations, you’re showing all your products, you’re building the guests’ desire and their wish list is growing, so that by the end – they WANT to say yes. They fall in love with the products, and they want to own as many of them as they can. You nurture the booking seed and finally, you ask the closing question in a one-on-one setting. It’s as simple as that!
Watch me demonstrate and explain in more detail in this video:
Wishing you endless party bookings…. ALWAYS!
♥ Melanie Parker, Party Plan Success Hunter!
Melanie Parker
Founder of Party Plan 123
“NEVER EVER Run out of Bookings AGAIN!”
Phone: +61 408 084 128
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