My first few days and weeks in party plan could be described as a sheer panic attack of running around trying to lure my works friends and my family into being my hostesses and then working myself up into a frenzy about all that I had to learn before I did my first launch party. I found myself constantly trying to work out what I was going to do and say at my parties and in my hostess phone calls, desperately trying to find the hours to watch the training videos and read the manual from my company & even dreaming while I slept about all of my products and the training that I had been going through! It was exhausting!! I was living and breathing party plan & growing more and more nervous as each day got closer to THE DAY of my first launch party!
- Finding lots of family & friends to book parties?
- Learning all the details about your product and your company?
- Getting your business cards & marketing materials printed and ready?
Yes, all of those things are important, but there’s only one thing that will give you the stamina to make party plan your new LIFESTYLE instead of just a phase that you go through for a few months….
Please promise me that when I reveal to you what the most important thing is when starting out in direct sales, you will resist the temptation to think this is airy-fairy or hog-wash or that I just don’t understand what your life is like & this can’t really work for you…. because I didn’t really ‘GET IT’ until I kept hearing the same messages being repeated to me over and over again from my mentors and my trainers…. people such as Sharron & Tanya who were the trainers in my company, Stephen Covey (the author of the book ‘7 Habits of Highly Effective People’) and Bob Proctor (success speaker).
So, the answer is…… THE key area to success number 1……. is MINDSET! To explain this in a little more detail, I say “Choose success in your mind”.
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Your mind is such a powerful asset that we as humans are still studying the brain to understand how much it can do. This is all about paying attention to everything that goes on upstairs in your mind; what you think and how you feel about your party plan business.
As Napoleon Hill says in his book ‘Think & Grow Rich’…. THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS.
So, what should we be thinking about? Well, first we must DECIDE that we will be successful in our business, we must EXPECT SUCCESS. Don’t let other people drag you down and don’t let yourself be limited by your small thoughts. DREAM BIG….. IMAGINE what life could be like if you had dozens of bookings, BELIEVE in yourself and tell yourself that failure is just not an option!
How can you do this? Because no-one ever truly can stop negative thoughts entering their mind, this is true! But you can control what you choose to do in response to them and how long you choose to let those thoughts linger in your mind, can’t you? So here’s some simple tips to help you minimise the negativity in your mind and grow the possibility and positivity:
1. Create a VISION BOARD – you can go to google and You Tube to see more about this. I found a great site called that defines a vision board as ‘a tool used to help clarify, concentrate and maintain focus on a specific life goal. Literally, a vision board is any sort of board on which you display images that represent whatever you want to be, do or have in your life. What is the point? Simply put, we humans tend to be a very busy species and constantly bombarded by distractions. Making use of vision boards serves several purposes, some of which include helping you to:
- Identify your vision and give it clarity.
- Reinforce your daily affirmations.
- Keep your attention on your intentions.’
My vision board is just cut out pictures on a coloured cardboard poster that represent a visual image of the life that I am choosing to create for myself. It has pictures of places I want to travel to, the people I want to meet, the home I want to build and it hangs on the wall in my office so I see it every day and am reminded of the reasons why I work hard in my party plan business.
2. Set GOALS and measure your success – If you want to get somewhere, first you’ve got to know where you want to go, then you figure out how to get there. In party plan that means knowing what you need to earn to have the lifestyle you desire, knowing how many parties you need to do per week to earn that income and then deciding on what it will take and what you are prepared to do to get there! And yes, it’s going to take good old-fashioned work to get there.
3. Another way to sharpen up your mind and reduce negativity is to spend your time with OTHER SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE! Let their success and their positive energy rub off on you. It should go without saying that you must run away and protect your ears from the negative people around you, don’t even let that enter your conscious mind. Choose to sit with people at your next team meeting who are successful.
I explain more about DIRECT SALES TIPS ON MINDSET in this video:
If your MINDSET is the very foundation of any and all success in your party plan career, then why would you let anyone taint it with negativity? Your mind is a precious ASSET. Your mind is a commodity. CHOOSE who you want to hang around. CHOOSE who you want to listen to. You are the driver at the wheel of your own destiny, so steer your party plan vehicle in the direction that you want to go and only invite passengers who wish to be on the same successful journey as you.
Before we finish on mindset, you must understand your own burning reason for being in party plan, you must know without a doubt the reason WHY you have chosen to be in party plan. What I mean is, yes, we all join at first for the money, the flexible hours and the products, but what’s the deeper reason keeping you here?
What’s going to drive you through the challenges and up the mountain to where the view is amazing? This reason is deeply meaningful, it’s personal and it’s quite often and should be emotional for you. It’s what keeps you going when others around you quit, it’s what makes you work a little harder even when your success hasn’t quite come as fast as you had hoped it would, it’s what makes you try again even when your own family is doubting you.
For many people this is the desire to do more for their families, be a better person, have more fulfilling relationships, or eliminate the stress and the pressure in their lives. What’s the “WHY” in your party plan business? You’ve got to hold onto these thoughts every time the front door opens to your next party, every time you dial the next phone number, every time you introduce yourself to a new guest; because that’s what will make you do every little activity to the absolute best of your ability.