Let’s take a moment to discuss how to overcome PROCRASTINATION.  My advice for you here is….. Don’t wait to be perfect before you begin to do something!


This article is shared from our training program called ‘YOUR BEST LIFE’.   We invite you to begin your own personal journey on how to live YOUR BEST LIFE with our free 3 part training series on ‘3 Steps to Live the Life You Once Imagined’ at http://www.partyplan123.com/imagine/


If you WAIT to take action, you’re going to be waiting a LONG TIME for success.

We don’t have to have everything perfect before we begin to go out there and do anything.  Have an idea, learn enough that you can go and start doing something and making a positive change, and then please go out there and DO.  It doesn’t even really matter that much if you make some mistakes along the way.  As long as you are putting things into action, then you can perfect it along the way as you keep going and improving.

Don’t wait to be perfect before you begin to do something.  If you wait to take action, you’ll be waiting a long time for success.

Don't wait to be perfect before you begin to do something. If you wait to take action you'll be waiting a long time for success.

Let me give you some ideas to stop procrastination.  Once again, this is just a lit to give you some possible ways of overcoming procrastination in your own life.  It’s not saying that this will work for each and every one of you, but let me give you some suggestions of what you could possibly try and see if you feel that this will work for you.

1.  You may find it beneficial to SET GOALS.

Maybe you’re someone who does not normally set goals.  Maybe you don’t allow yourself to dream and to say what is it I’m really working towards?  We’ve covered that back in Module 1 where we are talking about the mindset.  Set goals, but then go a step further.  You might find it very beneficial to write those goals down.  Sometimes just the action of putting it into writing makes it more real and then it’s in our face, we’re staring at it and it’s something we’ve decided we’re to do and we don’t want to wait any longer.  We will not procrastinate!

2.  Maybe you are the type of person who is better off DOING SOMETHING WITH A FRIEND.

You could commit to a new endeavour that you’re working on with a friend.  Maybe you want to work on a new fitness program or a health program, maybe you want to begin a new hobby and you can find a friend who would love to learn that new hobby with you.  And sometimes you find that that commitment with a friend can help that to happen faster.

3.  What about deciding on a REWARD for ACTION that you take along the way?

Once you’ve set a goal and you’ve written it down, how about deciding on something that you’re going to treat yourself with or some type of reward that you’re going to give yourself once you’re taking that action?  It doesn’t even need to be a reward for achieving the goal, it can be a reward for taking small steps along the way.  It might just even be allowing yourself to have half an hour to read your book today and relax and unwind.  It might be going out with a friend for a coffee.  It might be allowing yourself to have an hour sitting in the lounge, vegging out and watching crazy television that really teaches you nothing but you just enjoy doing it.

So little rewards along the way but as a result of taking ACTION and making progress.

4.  And then remember we want to help you have the ‘Speed of Implementation’.

Fast Action = Fast Results

What is the speed of implementation?  This is based on the idea that successful people take action very quickly once they begin to create a new idea and a new goal for themselves.  The most successful people in our world;, they do not have an idea and then sit on it for ages and wait before they put things into action, they go out there and they make it happen straight away.

This comes back into what we’ve been talking about; Take Action TODAY!  Whatever it is that you know how to do right now, choose one thing that you can go out there and make it happen, get real results, and do it QUICKLY!  The speed of implementation, because fast action equals fast results.

Procrastination is not going to help you get to where you want to be.  So let’s push through that barrier and get to where we want to be and live our best life.

Written by Melanie Parker, creator of the free training series called ‘3 Steps to Live the Life You Once Imagined’


This article is shared from our training program called ‘YOUR BEST LIFE’.   We invite you to begin your own personal journey on how to live YOUR BEST LIFE with our free 3 part training series on ‘3 Steps to Live the Life You Once Imagined’ at http://www.partyplan123.com/imagine/

In this 3 part series we reveal to you:

  • Why it’s not too late to live the life you once imagined
  • What you can do to go from feeling disappointed & bitter about life to feeling hopeful, happy & stress-free
  • And the 3 simple steps to go from bad to great in life, business and play

It’s not too late to live the life you once imagined.

We don’t want you to settle for anything less than living your BEST LIFE….. & you shouldn’t have to!

I look forward to helping you live the life you once imagined!


🙂 ~ Melanie


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