[LIVE TODAY] Online Training Session FREE for all direct sellers at www.partyplan123.com/stop on the topic of ‘5 Steps to Get More Recruits, Sales & Bookings’
What difference would it make if you could have just 3 more party guests show up at your in-home or online party?
For a direct seller who does 8 parties per month, on average:
- 15% of guests book a party
- 5% of guests become a recruit lead
- 85% of guests place an order
- the average order is about $100
Let’s use those average figures to do a comparison of party results when we look at parties that average 5 guests compared to parties that average 8 guests:
(watch our facebook live video to get the full explanation)
Here’s another way of understanding just how beneficial it is to get 3 more guests to every party you do… a picture always speak a thousand words, doesn’t it?
Now you will likely be asking yourself these 2 questions:
- How can I get more guests to every party so that BOOKINGS + SALES + RECRUIT LEADS go up at every party I do?
- How can I stop my hostess cancelling her party so that more parties go ahead?
I’m glad you asked…. because that’s EXACTLY what I would love to help you with in our next free webinar training online, from the comfort of your own device.
To claim your FREE SPOT – go to http://www.partyplan123.com/stop/
Webinar Topic: “5 Steps to Get More Recruits, Sales & Bookings in Direct Sales!”
To claim your FREE SPOT – go to http://www.partyplan123.com/stop/ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
BEFORE I FORGET >>>> AUSTRALIAN SEMINARS are coming up next >>>>> LOCATIONS are ready to book in! on How to Get Bookings in Direct Sales TICKETS & INFO @ http://www.partyplan123.com/seminar/
FREE TICKETS for paid members of these courses:
• The Road Map to Party Plan Success
• How to Book Parties Without Being Pushy
• Your Best Life
– Brisbane QLD Sun 26th May
– Melbourne VIC Sun 25th August
– Sydney NSW Sun 23rd June
>>>> CLICK HERE for SEMINAR tickets & info (for direct sellers who ‘seriously’ need to never run out of bookings AGAIN!) http://www.partyplan123.com/seminar/
The Road Map to Party Plan Success – this month’s bundle discount offer
Ready for you at http://bit.ly/learnpp123
The Road Map to Party Plan Success – this month’s bundle discount offer
Ready for you at http://bit.ly/learnpp123
♥ Melanie Parker,
founder of Party Plan 123 & creator of ‘The Road Map to Party Plan Success’ (home study course)
WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN PRINT OR ONLINE? Go ahead, but please do not alter it and do include the following information (with active links as appropriate) Melanie Parker is the creator of ‘The Road Map to Party Plan Success’ home study course & one of the top party-plan consultants world-wide using fast & proven strategies to NEVER EVER Run out of Bookings AGAIN! She founded Party Plan 123 to teach up & coming consultants world-wide how to master the skills necessary to survive & thrive in the party plan industry.
Melanie’s authentic, easy-to-understand & easy-to-implement training has become highly sought after. Her videos, books, newsletters, products &seminars inspire thousands of people around the world to never give up. Experience more of Melanie’s generous tips for success at www.PartyPlan123.com