FINALLY, our direct selling companies are understanding that social media & video can HELP our party plan business, not damage it.

♥ But getting party bookings using social media can be a struggle, can’t it?

♥ And how about the challenge of how to get party guests to show up to a facebook party? ….. URRGGGGGHHHHH!!!


My quick tips?

>>> Always think about how you can use the power of social media to create an experience that is as CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO BEING IN THE SAME ROOM AS THAT PERSON!

Let’s look at HOW and WHY?


  1. VIDEO – whether it’s pre-recorded or live-stream, video shows your personality and creates a true connection.
  2. INSTANT MESSAGING – replying as quickly as you can, creating a genuine conversation.
  3. REGULAR SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS – show your personality, use unique content, mix it up with pictures, links, photos, videos, text. And respond to ALL comments.


  • If you can create social media posts/messages that bring that person into a virtual room with you to have a catch-up as friends, this is building the CONNECTION and the RELATIONSHIP first…. that is what sales is based on.
  • Don’t worry about the need to perfect your sales-skills immediately, just perfect your connection skills first and find ways to show your products that allows the viewer to imagine holding your products in their hands and owning them! That’s when the sales, bookings and recruit leads will start to come in.

It’s a bit tricky to explain all of this in one article, so I have recorded a radio interview on this topic with Deb Bixler from the Cash Flow Show to help you dive into this more.

Ready to listen? Catch our RADIO INTERVIEW on newest & easiest ways to get party bookings using social media & video before 10th May at


ENJOY! We always ♥ to help you with more & more ways to NEVER EVER Run out of Party Bookings AGAIN!

~ Mel xx

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Melanie Parker
Founder of Party Plan 123
“NEVER EVER Run out of Bookings AGAIN!”
Phone: +61 408 084 128

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