So you need to re-build your direct sales business, but you don’t know where to start? Use my Framework to Re-Build Your Party Plan Business! (This is our BUZZ Newsletter No. 96)

How to Re-Build Your Direct Sales Business with a Framework:

  1. 3 Ways to Get Bookings AT THE PARTY Webinar Training THIS WEEK
  2. My Framework to Re-Build Your Party Plan Business (article below)
  3. 30 Tips to Re-Start Your Bookings in the New Year CLOSING SOON
  4. Why You Want to Always have your Cash & Carry Bag in the Car (article below)
  5. Facebook Live Mini Training on 10 Ideas for Bookings

Use My Framework to Re-Build Your Party Plan Business

+ 30 Tips to Re-Start Your Bookings in the New Year – CLOSING SOON

Party Plan Success is not as simple as just getting bookings & then showing your products at a party.

When I am focusing on re-building my direct sales business, here’s the framework I follow in preparation:

  1. Create a plan first, set my goals & expectations for bookings, sales & recruits in the next 30-90 days
  2. Find brand new hostesses to book parties through promotional work (outside my circle of contacts of friends & family to expand my business circle)
  3. Follow the 5 P’s of Hostess Coaching Steps so that the party goes ahead on the date as planned plus more party guests show up to the party
  4. Figure out how to run an awesome 10 Step Party experience so that my party guests are increasing the desire to WANT to either join my team, book a party and/or at least purchase products
  5. Measure my results and assess my own performance so that I can begin the cycle again to plan for the next 90 days of party plan success

If you need more help with this framework in your own business, we have 2 options for you:

  1. The Road Map to Party Plan Success home study course is our most comprehensive and supportive training
  2. Or a great starting point for beginners is inside our Daily Dose Direct Sales Video Training…. 

HERE’S WHAT YOU GET INSIDE THE DAILY DOSE VIDEO TRAINING if you hurry before this series on 30 tips ends soon at

  • How to get bookings WHEN YOU HAVE NONE
  • How to stop cancellations & postponements
  • The 10 steps of the party to NEVER Run out of Bookings AGAIN!

To get all 30 Tips Go to


♥ 3 Ways to Get Bookings AT THE PARTY ♥

Your Invite To Join Us >>> WEBINAR THIS WEEK <<<

Don’t forget to come and join us for our always-popular webinar on ‘3 Ways to Get Bookings AT THE PARTY’! HAVE YOU BOOKED YOUR FREE SPOT YET? >>>> It’s best to do that here straight away >>>> …. it’s a FREE event to help all Direct Sellers NEVER EVER Run out of Bookings AGAIN!

What You’ll Discover in this free webinar:

  • How to get 2 Bookings at 1 party
  • How to Stop Cancellations
  • How to book parties that go ahead in just 14 days!


… See you there!

Why You Want to Always have your Cash & Carry Bag in the Car

You never know when you might meet a potential new team member, hostess or customer when you are out and about.  It’s essential to always have a small Cash & Carry Bag with you so that you don’t miss any new business opportunities.

BUT WHAT SHOULD BE IN YOUR CASH & CARRY BAG? Let’s workshop this together:

  1. A small collection of your most popular products
  2. Brochures about your business opportunity and hostess rewards program
  3. Catalogs to show your products
  4. Your contact details, in the form of a business card or stickers on your brochures and catalogs

Always have your cash & carry bag with you, so when you drop kids to school, do the grocery shopping or get your next haircut – you are ready to strike up a conversation about our products & what you have to offer. You never know when an opportunity like this will happen, and it doesn’t hurt to just – be prepared!

I recently did a Facebook Live training with 10 ideas of bookings.  You can watch that further below on this page & get more detail on all 10 of these steps (go pin this summary to share it with your team too):


Facebook Live Mini Training on 10 Ideas to Get Bookings

Some of these booking ideas we have never shared with you before!

Pick 1 from the list that you can implement this week & let’s get you some brand new hostesses….. sound good?

On a Personal Note

Did you know that I am an apprentice beekeeper?  My husband works the beehives as his business and I relish in the chance to get off the computer and go outdoors with him to do the bees together when we can.  Last weekend, I was the apprentice beekeeper all day in the sweltering Australian summer heat.

Here we are as I was learning how to add queen cells into the hives.

Enjoy the happy snap:

Wishing you endless bookings, sales & sponsor leads…. ALWAYS!

~ Mel xo

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Melanie Parker
Founder of Party Plan 123
“NEVER EVER Run out of Bookings AGAIN!”
Phone: +61 408 084 128

Let’s connect!

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