In this article direct sellers will discover One Activity to Grow Direct Sales Business Fast.
What are the benefits of BOOKING vs. SELLING vs. SPONSORING for a party plan consultant & which ONE activity can grow your direct sales business the fastest?
If you are searching for the quickest way to get your party plan business on fast growth, keep reading.
The three things all direct sellers need to do in order to grow their business at every single party are – sell, book and sponsor. Every party guest that we meet, we want to be offering the opportunity to purchase our gorgeous products, say yes to getting the free products or discounts as our next host, and to start doing what we do for the business opportunity!
![Grow your direct sales business fast sponsoring](
Focus on team building to grow your direct sales business fast
Benefits of Selling
- Income / Revenue
- Builds Customer Base for Repeat Sales & Referrals
The party sales are going to grow your income because it brings in your revenue. That is where we make our money as a direct seller.
However, if you ONLY focus on the sales, you are missing out on so many extra benefits in your direct sales business because if you are not sponsoring, then you’re not building your team; you will be missing out on the extra revenue that can come from your team sales and also the bonuses and the generous rewards that your company offers us in sponsoring and recruiting bonuses. Eg. Conference trips, company car, gifts, free products for your kit, etc.
Also, if you ONLY focus on the sales and you forget to ask about the bookings, you’re missing out on future business. Please don’t have tunnel vision where you only think about how much income you are going to make from today’s party.
No! That is not going to give us a sustainable business. That is not going to give us the fast growth that we are looking for.
A sustainable direct sales business is built from three strong pillars;
- SELL products to make an income today
- BOOK parties to make an income next week
- SPONSOR team members to make an income forever
Benefits of Sponsoring
- Second Level Income / Revenue
- Team Growth / Leadership Status
- Long Term Healthy Business
- Bonuses your company may offer you; Eg. conference trips, company car, gifts, free products for your kit, etc.
Sponsoring is the focus that we all should be having all of the time in party plan. Even if you are brand new and feel like you don’t know what to do when it comes to sponsoring and recruiting, don’t hold yourself back. Offer the business opportunity anyway.
Let me show you how easy it is to start building your team with a few words:
It’s so easy for you to say something simple to every single one of your party guests such as,
- “Have you ever thought of doing what I do for the income from these parties?” or
- “Would you love to own the kit of all the products like I’ve been demonstrating here today?”
I believe in your ability to ask some questions like that to offer the business opportunity to every single one of your party guests. It really is that simple.
I know that it is extremely common for party plan consultants to get really nervous when it comes to sponsoring and recruiting. That is why I have teamed up with guest trainer, Christine Tylee from Direct Sales Inspiration, where we speak to you in a FREE Masterclass on the topic of sponsoring and team building in 7 simple steps…. even if you have never recruited or sponsored before, so please join us at .
The reason that sponsoring is so beneficial and propels you into fast business growth is because it can give you a second level of income.
Most companies will pay you a commission from your team sales once you have recruited a certain number of people; this gives you a second level of income or what some people refer to as ‘passive’ income.
Through sponsoring, you can get to leadership status and start to earn the extra income on all the work that all of your team members are doing as well. You can be out doing your parties, they can be out doing their parties, and you are earning income not just from your own parties but the parties that your whole team is doing as well.
Sponsoring helps you to maintain a long-term healthy business. When you are sponsoring, you are looking after the future of your direct sales business; you are looking after the sustainability of your business.
Everyone is all about sustainability in this day and age in regards to environmental issues in our world. Let’s talk about sustainability for you as a direct sales consultant. Do you still want to be doing parties 12 months from now? 5 years from now? Running a team as a leader in 20 years from now? YES! Sponsoring is the key ingredient to grow your direct sales business.
![Sponsoring will grow your party plan business Sponsoring will grow your party plan business](
Sponsoring will grow your party plan business
QUESTION: “What part of your direct sales business gives you the fastest growth?”
BOOKINGS is the correct answer!! Keep reading to find out why.
Benefits of Bookings
- Groups of Customers at One Time in One Spot
- Sales from Many People Instead of One
- Multiple Sponsor Leads
- Multiple Host Party Bookings Leads
- Saves Time by doing More in One Spot
- Team Training Opportunity through On-The-Job Learning by Attending the Leader’s Party
- Leaders are Setting the Example for the Team
- Leaders are going through Same Challenges & Objections, Showing their Solutions
Party bookings open up the opportunity for you to not just sell to one person at a time, but to big groups of customers all at once; in other words, make more money in less time. Wooohooo! That’s what we all want and need.
If you’ve spent a lot of time carrying your catalog around talking to friends, family and people that you see in your circle of contacts about your products, the business and hosting a party – that is the long way to business growth. In fact, that’s the slow growth path. I’m not saying stop doing that, I’m saying don’t ONLY do that.
If you want fast growth, you want to be doing parties because then, you’re not just selling to one person. You are selling to a whole group. AND offering the business opportunity PLUS the chance to book a party all at once.
I usually had about six to eight people show up to a party on average. Some were bigger, some were smaller, but I was getting an average of six to eight people showing up to a party. That gave me an opportunity to recruit, book & sell to eight people at once in the same amount of time.
This is opening up so many more sponsor leads. If you can just keep those party bookings coming in and combine that with great hostess coaching to get those parties going ahead on the date as planned, with more guests showing up to the party, you have an opportunity to build your team fast. Every single person that shows up, you’re going to offer the chance to join, to book a party, and to become your valued customer.
Leaders should always continue to keep their personal business strong through doing their own regular parties as well. A common pitfall when many of us become leaders is we start to let go a little bit of our own business and our own bookings and focus more on the team building and the team maintenance and support. However, I want to encourage you that even if you are a leader, we should always be keeping our personal business strong. We should always be doing parties ourselves, and there are many, many reasons why.
If you are a leader who has bookings it gives you team training opportunities. One of the best ways that I learn how to do anything is by seeing someone do it. So, as a leader, I would be offering the opportunity for my team to come along with me to the parties that I have, and it becomes on the job training.
But, if you, as a leader, do not have the bookings, you are making your job so much harder to be able to train your team. As a leader, we should keep those bookings going because it’s a training opportunity, and it sets the example for the team.
Even if we have a big team, we should always still be doing some parties ourselves so that we are there with them, we’re walking the path, we are doing parties at the same time they’re doing parties, we are going through the same types of challenges, objections and the same seasonal experiences.
If you are a leader and you are still doing bookings, you are setting the example for the team, you’re going through the same objections that the hostesses are giving to everyone and you can show them how you are keeping those bookings going, despite the objections and challenges.
The Bottom Line
In a party planning business, we do focus on three things to grow our business. The sales make our money. The sponsoring builds the team. And the bookings create the future business.
If you don’t have the bookings, the sales are not going to be there; you will not have any sales because the bookings bring in the party guests, and the guest become your customers.
If you do not have enough bookings in your calendar, you cut out your opportunities of sponsoring because you’re not going to be meeting the brand new people that you need to meet to grow your team. Therefore, if you want to be a leader, keep your bookings going strong. Fit as many bookings into your calendar every month as you possibly can.
Also, understand that your number one goal should always be to sponsor and recruit. Offer the generous income opportunity to every single party guest that you meet first, then the booking opportunity and finally the chance to place an order today.
Now is the time to build up your business to get more bookings into your calendar. The party plan consultants who have bookings this month are setting themselves up statistically to be the highest performing consultants over the next three months from now.
You’ve got to have bookings in your business this month to keep you going so that you do one party today, you get multiple brand new guests coming along, and that propels you into more bookings, more sales and more sponsoring opportunities.
Bookings will give you the fastest growth in your direct sales business, so that you can maintain a sustainable, balanced direct selling business of ongoing sales, bookings and sponsoring.
Wishing you endless party bookings…. ALWAYS!
♥ Melanie Parker, Party Plan Success Hunter!
Melanie Parker
Founder of Party Plan 123
“NEVER EVER Run out of Bookings AGAIN!”
Phone: +61 408 084 128
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