There are 4 types of direct sales personality styles:

  1. The DRIVEN Direct Seller
  2. The OUTGOING Direct Seller
  3. The PEOPLE PLEASER Direct Seller
  4. The CONSCIENTIOUS Direct Seller

Once you know your own direct sales personality style, you will be able to relate to every party guest and potential new team member so much better and faster.  This results in many more sales, party bookings and sponsor leads in your direct sales business.

To make your direct sales personality profile overview a little more fun, we have styled each personality type with a shoe that fits your direct sales personality:

If you haven’t already, please TAKE THE DIRECT SALES PERSONALITY QUIZ first here:

We will send you an SMS and email message with your results in minutes! PLUS get your FREE PRINTABLE tailored personality guide to increase sales, party bookings & sponsor leads as a direct seller.

No direct sales personality style is better than another.  All direct sales personality types have the potential to be amazing direct sellers who build a successful and profitable direct sales business.  My goal is not to make you change your personality style; my goal is to help you embrace it; even LOVE it!  HOW?  The best tool I have to help you is the DIRECT SALES PERSONALITY PROFILE PACK; this is the one that gives you the most detailed guides to increase sales, party bookings & sponsor leads as a direct seller.

The Direct Sales Personality Profile Pack includes:

  • FREE GIFT EARRINGS POSTED TO YOU in the style of shoes-design that matches your direct sales personality style!
  • FREE PRINTED PERSONALITY PROFILE BOOK POSTED TO YOU in the mail, anywhere in the world as my special gift to you!
  • PERSONALITY PROFILE SHEETS on all 4 direct sales personality styles with training guides + Printables + PDF downloads
  • BUSINESS TIPS CHECKLISTS for all 4 direct sales personality styles with training guides + Printables + PDF downloads
  • HOW TO SELL PRODUCTS TO YOUR CUSTOMERS BASED ON THEIR PERSONALITY STYLE for all 4 customer personality styles with training guides + Printables + PDF downloads
  • HOW TO BOOK PARTIES WITH YOUR NEW HOSTESS BASED ON THEIR PERSONALITY STYLE for all 4 customer personality styles with training guides + Printables + PDF downloads
  • HOW TO SPONSOR NEW TEAM MEMBERS BASED ON THEIR PERSONALITY STYLE for all 4 customer personality styles with training guides + Printables + PDF downloads

💝⭐💝 Did you get your DIRECT SALES PERSONALITY PROFILE PACK yet? 💝⭐💝  Go to to get it before promo ends. 💙 Melanie, Party Plan Success Hunter! xo


Overview of all 4 Direct Sales Personality Styles

There are 4 Direct Sales Personality Styles. However,

  • Most people have a combination of direct sales personality styles.
  • You will likely gravitate towards one main personality style.
  • Our Direct Sales Personality Quiz delivers to you information in regards to your most highly scored personality style/s.  This is a guide to direct sales success, not a certain diagnosis.

Let’s take a look at the 4 Direct Sales Personality Types in a little more detail:

The DRIVEN Direct Seller

THE SHOE THAT BEST FITS YOUR DIRECT SALES PERSONALITY IS…  A stylish, high quality black heel, on-trend but not loud or sparkly.

The DRIVEN Direct Seller is an independent and confident business person. They enjoy breaking new records and being the best. They are often motivated by company incentives, awards, company cars, great income and the opportunity to be their own boss.

Because they have no fear when it comes to asking for the sale, a party booking or sponsor lead, they are often high performers within a team or company. They are also good at upselling to a customer.

The DRIVEN direct seller makes fast decisions, runs an organized party without going over time and generally makes direct sales business success look easy and attractive to others.

The OUTGOING Direct Seller

THE SHOE THAT BEST FITS YOUR DIRECT SALES PERSONALITY IS…. An eye-catching glamorous heel, likely with color, sparkle or bling.

The OUTGOING Direct Seller is passionate, entertaining and a lot of fun to be around.  They are often the center of attention everywhere they go.  They enjoy the social aspect of parties and team meetings.  They show up with a huge smile on their face, a twinkle in their eye & a bounce in their step.

Because they show so much excitement and passion for the company’s products, they often influence their customers to place orders, book a party and/or join their team.  They usually own a large number of company products in their kit because they love the products so much themselves and can not resist owning more.

The OUTGOING  direct seller loves people.  They are not afraid to make conversation with a stranger.  This helps them find more prospects to build a healthy direct sales business.

The PEOPLE PLEASER Direct Seller

THE SHOE THAT BEST FITS YOUR DIRECT SALES PERSONALITY IS…. A mid-height sandal to match many outfits, with a little touch of style & a whole lot of comfort & practicality.

The PEOPLE PLEASER Direct Seller is loyal, trustworthy and honest.  They have their customers’ best interests at heart; they are definitely NOT a pushy direct seller, they have the reputation of being a friendly party plan consultant.  They always make their party guests and customers feel comfortable and part of the group, allowing them time to make decisions that they feel at ease with.

Because they have a tendency to be a little shy, they often join their direct sales company to build their personal confidence and make new friends.  They enjoy being social at team/company events, once they get to know their team members and feel accepted as part of the group.  They often stay with one direct sales company for a long time when they are happy.

The PEOPLE PLEASER direct seller is open to learning new business tips. Despite feeling nervous to try something new, when they do put new learning into practice, they follow instructions well & improve their skills and confidence with every repeated action step.


THE SHOE THAT BEST FITS YOUR DIRECT SALES PERSONALITY IS…. Immaculately clean & conditioned, low-heeled, classy shoes that blend with many outfits & don’t offend anyone.

The CONSCIENTIOUS Direct Seller is excellent at organization & systems in their direct sales business.  They are the queen of preparation, perfection & follow-through.  They are usually motivated in their direct sales business by being recognized for their expertise, career progression & income potential.

They work well on their own and don’t give up easily.  They are often known as the quiet achiever.  ‘Professional’ is their middle name.  They always run a well-structured and informative party demonstration.  They have a detailed knowledge of their company and products.

The CONSCIENTIOUS direct seller provides exceptional customer service.  They answer all questions with confidence & detail; they know what they are talking about & provide the honest truth.


Trust in Your Own Personality Style

I believe you are more than capable of being the successful direct seller that you dream of being.  There’s no need to change your personality style; embrace who you are naturally.  Use the guidance tools that I have provided you in the PERSONALITY PROFILE PACK to identify your personality style advantages and understand the drawbacks (if any) that you may have, learning how to work through any challenges that these may present to you.  If you trust and follow these steps, you will be well on your way to party plan success.  It took me more than 6 months to master these steps!

💝⭐💝 Did you get your DIRECT SALES PERSONALITY PROFILE PACK yet? 💝⭐💝  Go to to get it before promo ends. 💙

You are ready now… be brave, ignore the nerves you may feel in your belly as you start to put this into action…. Go out and create endless bookings, sales and recruits with these resources from the very next party that you do.

That risk you are afraid to take could be the one that changes your life completely.

~ Kylie Francis

~ Melanie


Melanie Parker
Founder of Party Plan 123
“NEVER EVER Run out of Bookings AGAIN!”
Phone: +61 408 084 128

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