For This Week’s LIVE Questions:
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It took me a while to work up my mojo & get brave enough to do Facebook LIVE sessions…. & let me tell you I am making a lot of silly and sometimes kinda funny mistakes along the way, BUT…. I am starting to really believe & understand why and how Facebook LIVE can be the next big breakthrough for all direct sellers who are trying to grow their business online and through social media….
I’m taking your questions that come through to our facebook page comments @ & replying back to you in our Facebook Live sessions….
“I did a vendor event on Saturday & not 1 booking….. What now?”
Enjoy my tips in this Facebook LIVE video…. & please comment below to tell me if you’d enjoy having a guest trainer show us the insider tips on how to use Facebook Live for Direct Sales success.
♥ Melanie Parker, creator of ‘The Road Map to Party Plan Success’ (home study course) and founder of PartyPlan123
PRESS PLAY BELOW to watch the whole video where I answer Lisa’s question.
This might shock you a little bit, but so many times we THINK we have asked for the booking, when really….. we haven’t asked for the booking at all. Yes, we tell, tell, tell all about how awesome our products are and what our hostesses get, but unless we actually ask a question in expectation to get a response from our prospect, party guest, or passer-by, we haven’t really asked for the party booking at all!
Let me explain & help you understand:
In my training for Direct Sellers who are at vendor events / markets / expos / fundraisers with the goal of getting bookings on the day, I suggest to follow these steps:
- When a passer-by stops at your table display, ask them, ‘Hi, have you heard of XYZ company before?’ They say yes/no, it doesn’t matter either way, but it starts a 2-way conversation.
- Explain that everything is here today to pick up and test/try on/taste (whatever is appropriate for your product type), followed by this question…. ‘What do you like the look of the most out of all the products on the table here today?’
- As soon as they point to something, pick the product up and get them to test/try on/taste (be very assumptive & actively start helping them to do this without hesitation). By getting them hands-on, their chance of falling in love with your product sky-rockets.
- While they are testing your product, tell them that you are here today looking for some people who would prefer FREE products….. let the word FREE catch their attention.
- Explain that you normally do in-home parties & what you are doing today is giving every single person who books a party from the event an EXTRA gift voucher/free product (whatever you can afford to give them that will motivate them to WANT to get it) ON TOP OF what the company always gives as free products to the hostesses, as a thank you for booking from the event and helping you to meet more people in the local area.
THIS IS THE SPOT WHERE MOST PARTY PLAN CONSULTANTS STOP…. and they THINK that they HAVE asked for the booking…. but they haven’t asked at all, there’s been no question so far, there’s only been tell, tell, tell.
SO…. are you ready to break-through & find what’s been missing at your vendor events & promotional displays to get in-home party bookings on the day? (read below & if you’re lucky, we might still have our webinar open where I do this for you in detail HERE)
THE CLOSING QUESTION & the spot where you DO ask for the booking is this….
‘If you did have a party to get the extra gift voucher/bonus/discount….. would you prefer to do a weekday or a weekend?’
THAT is a CLOSING QUESTION…. you are then waiting for their response. And if they answer positively with either a weekday or weekend answer, grab your bookings calendar Party Plan Princess and Princes…. because you just had someone say ‘yes’ to booking a party with you and now it’s time to offer your next 2 closest dates available & get them on your calendar by using the Bookings Funnel Technique which we train in detail inside ‘The Road Map to Party Plan Success’ (home study course).
…. You can do this too! Seriously!!!! Imagine how good you will feel when you come home from your next promotional event with bookings already dated into your calendar instead of just a whole heap of names and phone numbers of people to ring, who may not answer the phone & you may not know what to say to them on the phone when you call them! This is so much easier and so much faster to get you bookings that go ahead ASAP!!!
My wish is for you to have endless bookings…. it’s your time to break-through too!
♥ Melanie Parker, creator of ‘The Road Map to Party Plan Success’ (home study course) and founder of PartyPlan123
>>> Do you want us to do a free webinar training on How to Make Money with FACEBOOK LIVE as a Direct Seller? <<<<
Comment below to let me know…. if we have enough interest, I will get the ball rolling for you all! Woot Woot!
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Hi Melanie,
I would love a webinar on how to do Live Facebook parties. This will definitely help my PartyLite business. Thanks in advance.
Hi Melvia…. that is so good to hear because…. I have booked a guest trainer for October to teach us how to use Facebook LIVE for sales in party plan! WOO HOOOO!! Watch your email for an invite soon.
🙂 Melanie Parker, founder of