Today, let’s delve deeper into the subject of never running out of party bookings. We, as direct sellers often struggle with keeping our number of party bookings high, which is why I thought it’d be a good idea to answer YOUR questions as a direct sellers, and provide useful answers which can help you to never run out of party bookings….. But first of all….

This party plan question comes from Melissa. Like many of you, she’s wondering, “How can I book parties without being pushy?”

My best suggestion is to put yourself into the shoes of your party guests— make it all about them.  It’s not about you trying to get more bookings; you’re simply trying to get more sales, recruits, and points for whatever type of awards your company has.

Place emphasis on your guests and let them consider what they can get out of your offer.

FREE is a catchy word in our business. After all, who doesn’t like free things?

shoes of the guest

Take every opportunity during your in-home party to use the language “Free products” which is such a great attention grabber, and watch how the crowd’s attention shifts to you and what you have to offer.

  • A part of your party introduction could go something like this:
    • “XYZ Company is such a generous company… We have so many FREE PRODUCTS to give away today!  In fact, we are looking for the first 3 ladies who would love to say ‘YES’ to the FREE PRODUCTS!”
  • And when I ask the group who wants to book a party, we can word it in a way that is much more about what we can GIVE to our party guests, instead of trying to GET a booking from them, like this:
    • “Next we are giving away the FREE PRODUCTS. We are simply looking for the first 3 ladies who would love to say ‘YES’ to the FREE PRODUCTS by doing what Sally (the hostess) is doing today… So, who wants to be the first one to say ‘YES’ to the FREE PRODUCTS?”

Enjoy this video where we teach more about this:

Wishing you endless party bookings always in direct sales,

~ Melanie Parker

(founder of Party Plan 123)

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN PRINT OR ONLINE? Go ahead, but please do not alter it and do include the following information (with active links as appropriate)  Melanie Parker is the creator of ‘The Road Map to Party Plan Success’ home study course & one of the top party-plan consultants world-wide using fast & proven strategies to NEVER EVER Run out of Bookings AGAIN!  She founded Party Plan 123 to teach up & coming consultants world-wide how to master the skills necessary to survive & thrive in the party plan industry.
Melanie’s authentic, easy-to-understand & easy-to-implement training has become highly sought after.  Her videos, books, newsletters, products &seminars inspire thousands of people around the world to never give up.  Experience more of Melanie’s generous tips for success at