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  How ONE extraordinary party can SET UP YOUR Year in Direct Sales!

Write down these notes & fill in the gaps as we go through the video training together:

  1. Thank them for ___________________________
  2. Explain the previous host/ess’ ______________________________
  3. Let them know __________________________________________ today
  4. Tell a little about _________________________________________
  5. Tell them your 3 ____________________________________________


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Example of Step 10 of the party to help you get more recruit leads

… adapt this example with YOUR COMPANY’s Hostess Rewards and the real results from your hostess’ party today…. this is the last step of the party, after the orders are all taken….

 “Ladies, thank you very much for coming along today. I just wanted to let you know what we’ve achieved for Sally, our hostess, and her rewards. We’ve actually ended up at Oh, wow; we’ve done a party that is $952 in sales today.”

 “With the two bookings, because we have Mary and Samantha have both booked in their parties to have with them in the next three weeks, so that actually means that Sally has achieved $95 in free products today, plus she’s going to get a half-priced item out of the catalogue, anything she wants in the whole entire range at the first party booking that goes ahead, and then, at the second party booking, she’s going to get to choose anything for free out of the whole entire range as her hostess bonus. And each and every one of you has helped us to achieve that today for Sally, so thank you.”

 “And, by the way, just in case any of you have been watching what I do here today and you know it’s simple and you can see it’s a lot of fun…… did you realize that if this had been you doing this party as a brand new consultant, your income from today would have been $238? Imagine that!”

 “So if any of you here today are thinking, ‘Well, this looks like a whole bunch of fun and I know I can do what Melanie just did today,’ come and have a chat to me while I’m packing up because I would love to share more with you about our generous income opportunity so that you can do this too.”

>>>> I trust this helps you to build your party plan business faster!
 Melanie Parker, creator of ‘The Road Map to Party Plan Success’ & founder of PartyPlan123


– click on the quote to share with your team on Facebook

…. Cheers to endless Party Bookings for each & every one of you,

~ Melanie xx

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Melanie Parker
Founder of Party Plan 123
“NEVER EVER Run out of Bookings AGAIN!”
Phone: +61 408 084 128

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