Find the secret to How to Get More Recruits, Sales & Bookings at Every Party You Do

As party planners and direct sellers, we always want more bookings, more sales, and more recruit leads from every party we do. There are numerous strategies to achieve this seemingly difficult goal, and here at the Party Plan 123, we will guide you step by step until you reach that goal!

Put your party shoes on for in this post we will be helping you not only to get more guests to show up, but to increase the number of sales, bookings, and sponsor leads at every single party.

First of all, you have to acknowledge a simple fact – if we could just increase the number of party guests that are showing up to our parties, then it makes sense that our sales, our bookings and our recruit leads are going to skyrocket. And with that in mind, the real question is: “How can we get more party guests to show up to every single hostess’s party that we do?”

To find an answer to this question, you will need to refer to the 10 steps that we train inside of The Road Map to Party Plan Success and since we are here to help you, we will dive into one of these steps that will allow you to maintain your bookings and increase your business.

Be a fairy godmother to your hostess

The initial magic ingredient is to have on average more than one booking per party, which is a reasonable and achievable goal if you run an awesome party based on the 10 steps. More than one booking per party is going to help you to not only survive in the direct sales industry but to thrive and avoid slumps in your business due to cancellations or postponements.

The next thing is to help your hostess to be off to a great start by giving her a party pack with all the resources and tools she needs. As soon as your hostess has booked in, you want to sit down with her and give her the party pack, which normally happens during the social time at the party when you finish meeting with guests one on one to take their orders.

While meeting with each guest, offer them three opportunities:

  1. Ask them something about joining the company and doing what you do for a generous income opportunity.
  2. Offer them free products (ideally from their wish list) by saying yes to being your next hostess and booking a party with you.
  3. And then, of course, offer them a chance to become your next valued customer by placing an order today.

Once you’ve done with all these orders, finished the formal part of the party, and all of your guests are having their social time, it is at that point that you want to look for your two new hostesses that have reserved a booking with you and give them a party pack.

Another magic ingredient here is the Hostess Tips Form Checklist that you should be having while addressing your hostess, so you can use it as a visual tool for your hostess; this way, she can read the information and take them in faster.

By doing so, you will help your hostesses to get more guests to show up to their party and you will get more bookings, more sales, and more recruit leads.

Moreover, this goal will be easy to achieve if you help your hostess write her guest list as well. This is something that is so simple to do, yet hardly any party plan consultants are putting this into action. If you can sit down and write the guest list together on the day the hostess has made the booking, you are setting up your hostess for success, taking away the risk of procrastination so often when you ask a hostess to do the guest list later at home and truly supporting your hostess, which is what she wants.

The effort is well worth it to help your hostess write a guest list. Assist her by asking “Who can we invite?” instead of “Have you got anyone that you can invite?” To help her expand the list, start by suggesting her to invite friends and family, and then move to neighbors, colleagues, and their networks. Focus on getting as many brand new people to your party as possible as these people are going to help your business to continue to grow after the party because you need them to become your next hostesses.

Always encourage your hostess. That’s the key ingredient to success. Don’t ever let her feel like she’s doing a bad job. Try to help her come up with the list of 20 names so that half of those people can show up so you can have an awesome party without cancellation.

When you do this first step of hostess coaching well, going through the party pack and writing the guest list straight away, you have instantly increased the chance of that party going ahead and also having many party guests show up, which then leads to the new sales, bookings and recruit leads that you are looking for.

The wish list magic

You should always use your hostess’ wish list – the list of what she loves the most from your products – as you hostess coach and refer back to how she can achieve those wish list products with your hostess rewards program. By increasing her party sales and bookings, she will be increasing her free product rewards, discounts and bonuses at the same time too.


Make sure you’re offering the income opportunity and the business to your hostess as well.

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Stay tuned for the next post.
Mel! ❤️
