“So, Mel…… what’s your SECRET to getting so many bookings?”
This is the question I heard from desperate Direct Sellers and Party Plan Consultants over and over again. Every company meeting I went to, every struggling rep I talked to. It’s the question that propelled me into this new role of ‘Direct Sales Trainer’. I knew that what I was doing was working to get endless bookings. I knew I had simple steps that could be followed to get thousands of bookings. I knew it was also something very simple to teach to others as well.
It still breaks my heart to this very day. Because there is simply no reason for any of us to EVER run out of Bookings! It’s just a race against time & comes down to how much stubborn-determination that consultant has to never give up and to really figure this party plan thing out! By a ‘race against time’, I am referring to how long a consultant will typically try to get party bookings before they finally give up….. On average….. it’s about 3 months…. and THAT’S the heart-breaking bit.
Because…. 3 months into your party plan journey, you’ve already been through the majority of challenges you will ever face. If you can dig yourself out of this hole, the GREAT NEWS is that it will probably NEVER EVER be that hard for you again. So my job is to help you figure out how to get enough bookings to keep you going before you decide to give up on your dreams of direct sales success, too! Are you up for it?
Anyone who really WANTS to be successful in Party Plan can be. Not anyone who just DREAMS about it and WISHES for success, with no consistent and strategic action. No, I’m talking about the direct sales representative that wants this to work so badly, that the desire of the lifestyle they can achieve with party plan as the vehicle to get there is so high, they will choose to step outside of their comfort zone and truly MASTER what the experts are teaching them to do. They will ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’ so to speak. (Who said that? Was it the author, Susan Jeffers? I think so.)
Now, back to the original question…. “So, Mel…… what’s your SECRET to getting so many bookings?”
First, it’s no SECRET. I’m willing to share every detail! So that’s good news for you.
Second, I believe many of my bookings have been a result of using a simple strategy that I have chosen to name ‘The Group Bookings Pitch’.
Let me give you some written tips that explain a little more about how to use ‘The Group Bookings Pitch’ effectively and easily. This comes from inside ‘The Road Map to Party Plan Success’:
The ‘Group Bookings Pitch’
This magical strategy allows you to get 2 or 3 bookings even before you open up for shopping time! I call this the “Group Bookings Pitch”!
So what you do is you get everyone back in their seats (after the Wish List time at your party), you get them to pick up your hostess rewards brochure and you announce to the group, “What we are doing next is giving away the FREE PRODUCTS!”
Traditionally, most party plan consultants skip right past this bit, they go straight to the shopping time, then attempt to meet with each guest individually to go through the 3 main offers, which are JOIN, BOOK, BUY. But what happens is, it takes time to meet with everyone, you miss some people as they sneak out the door before you realise and you have post potential new business!
Our way of thinking is, that we can take another bite of the bookings cherry by offering the FREE PRODUCT in a group setting! That way, you can ask EVERYONE straight away before the food comes out and because you are offering the free product in a group, in front of the hostess and for everyone else to see who is and who is not booking, a little bit of healthy peer pressure goes a long way! What I mean by healthy peer pressure is this…. One of the main reasons that hostesses book is to help the previous hostess get her free products; friends help friends and friends WANT to help friends.
So again, the best way to teach you this is to demonstrate. I recommend you make it visual by holding and displaying your hostess rewards flyer, have your bookings calendar open and ready with your next 2 available dates and also have the list of your guest’s names close by so that you can refer to them personally. Of course, you will speak with enthusiasm, confidence and you will be smiling from ear to ear with an excited and friendly expression (even though inside your stomach may be doing somersaults and your knees are shaking….. this is what we professional party planners call ‘faking it till we make it!)’ In other words, even when you are nervous, pretend you are not. So here we go…
“OK, Ladies, what we are doing next is giving away the FREE PRODUCT! So grab your free product brochures and come take a seat. What we are doing is giving away the FREE PRODUCT! This is how friends help friends have a fun get-together like we are doing today and it’s also the main way that we can help Sally achieve her hostess rewards and her free product! So, we are simply looking for the first 3 ladies who wish to say ‘yes’ to the FREE PRODUCT!
So, who wants to be the first to say ‘yes’ to the FREE PRODUCT?”
And the magic is that most times someone actually puts up their hand and says, ‘yes’! That’s it!
~ these tips are taken from ‘The Road Map to Party Plan Success’ (home study course) . This is by far our best and most comprehensive training all together! You can watch a video about what’s in ‘The Road Map to Party Plan Success’ here:
And if you’d like to dive right in to our home study course, you can do that here:
WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN PRINT OR ONLINE? Go ahead, but please do not alter it and do include the following information (with active links as appropriate) Melanie Parker is the creator of ‘The Road Map to Party Plan Success’ home study course & one of the top party-plan consultants world-wide using fast & proven strategies to NEVER EVER Run out of Bookings AGAIN! She founded Party Plan 123 to teach up & coming consultants world-wide how to master the skills necessary to survive & thrive in the party plan industry.
Melanie’s authentic, easy-to-understand & easy-to-implement training has become highly sought after. Her videos, books, newsletters, products &seminars inspire thousands of people around the world to never give up. Experience more of Melanie’s generous tips for success at www.PartyPlan123.com