“ONLY 4-6 GUESTS COMING to the party???  No problem!”

I’ve had so many GREAT parties when there are only 4-6 guests there. Please…. don’t stress if your hostess tells you it might not be worth having the party because only 3-4 people have said they can come. A party that goes ahead is 1000 x better than a party that cancels!

♥ I always encourage the hostess by letting her know, ‘that’s a great start!’. We’ll have a nice catch up with friends and a cup of coffee together.

♥ And guess what? Quite often when I show up ….. she ends up having 6 – 8 people there!!!

♥ The key is for YOU to stay calm, relaxed, positive & upbeat…. because if YOU sound stressed, your host will be stressed too.

♥ So get excited about your parties even when the hostess says not many people might be able to come.

♥ Personally, many parties where there are about 4-6 people, I have been able to generate 2 bookings….. and that’s what you want, isn’t it?

how to stop cancellations in your home parties

Here’s a few lines you can heave ready to say when your hostess calls & says “I don’t think I have enough guests coming to have the party”:

  • “So, who has said that they can come? (her response) That’s a great start! And that’s still enough guests for you to get some FREE/discounted products.”
  • “Well, because it’s only a few days away, it’s really too late to cancel now anyway…. so I’ll be there anyway & if it’s just you and a couple friends, then we’ll have a nice casual catch-up. Oh…. and are there any special instructions I need on how to find your house?” (that’s a deflecting question to continue on in a positive manner)
  • “Let’s see what I can do to help, NAME…. I think the discount voucher for Sally’s (previous hostess) bonuses for having a booking from her party ends this weekend. Let me just check the paperwork to see.”  If you/your company puts an expiry date on hostess booking rewards, this can work a treat! “Yes, Sally’s voucher expires this weekend, so how about we just go ahead and have the party with whoever CAN come so that Sally doesn’t miss out on her voucher & then we can always re-book you in for another date as well for more people to come and then that can help you get more booking discounts and vouchers for YOU as well…. Sound good?”

Cheers to NEVER EVER Running out of Bookings AGAIN!

♥ Melanie Parker,
creator of ‘The Road Map to Party Plan Success’ (home study course)



~ these extra tips are taken from ‘The Road Map to Party Plan Success’ (home study course) .  This is by far our best and most comprehensive training all together!  You can watch a video about what’s in ‘The Road Map to Party Plan Success’ here:
And if you’d like to dive right in to our home study course, you can do that here:

Keep spending a little time every week in learning!

I’m proud of you, Party Plan Rock Star!

— Melanie
