Road Map to Party Plan Success (our BEST TRAINING for Direct Sellers)
The complete A-Z Guide for direct sales success, showing you how to get party bookings, sales & build your team; includes CDs, DVDs, work book & printed resources posted to you anywhere worldwide.

Bookings Bundle for Party Plan
Our most popular online training for direct sellers including topics of ‘How to Book Parties WITHOUT BEING PUSHY’, ‘How to Get Bookings WHEN YOU HAVE NONE’ and ‘How to Get Bookings AT YOUR PARTIES’.
Bookings Bundle for Party Plan
Our most popular online training for direct sellers including topics of ‘How to Book Parties WITHOUT BEING PUSHY’, ‘How to Get Bookings WHEN YOU HAVE NONE’ and ‘How to Get Bookings AT YOUR PARTIES’.

Your Best Life (Personal Development Program for Party Planners)
How to overcome the barriers of fear, doubt and procrastination so you can break through to direct sales success.

Road Map to Party Plan Success (Audio Online Version)
The perfect starting point for direct sellers who need party bookings, sales and recruit leads; instant online access to 6 modules of audio training plus resource downloads and forms for party plan success.
Road Map to Party Plan Success (Audio Online Version)
The perfect starting point for direct sellers who need party bookings, sales and recruit leads; instant online access to 6 modules of audio training plus resource downloads and forms for party plan success.

Seminar In-Person Live Event for Direct Sales
The fast track to direct selling success comes from our face-to-face full day seminar training on party bookings, sales and team building. Meet Melanie Parker, plus receive the opportunity to be photographed together to share the memories with your party plan team.

Online Parties and Social Media Made Simple for Direct Sellers
What works & what doesn’t in Direct Sales TODAY? Perfect for party planners who need to know how to succeed online in social selling, facebook parties & more. Monthly subscription, no min term, cancel any time by email.
Online Parties and Social Media Made Simple for Direct Sellers
What works & what doesn’t in Direct Sales TODAY? Perfect for party planners who need to know how to succeed online in social selling, facebook parties & more. Monthly subscription, no min term, cancel any time by email.

Daily Dose Video Training for Direct Sellers
Direct Sales Tips delivered to you daily in short videos on all topics for party plan success. Month by month subscription, cancel at any time.

Melanie Parker is most-loved for passionately teaching simple strategies that work to empower party plan consultants to take action towards success in bookings, sales & team building. Invite Melanie to speak and traing at your next conference for either a keynote presentation, half/full day or multi-day seminar.
Contact Melanie Parker to discuss how she can best help you as a keynote speaker via email to or phone to 0408084128

Whether you are looking for new consultant training systems & manuals, an exclusive webinar for your company or video/audio/written training, Melanie Parker would love to work with you to help your consultants build a successful direct sales business.
Contact Melanie Parker to discuss how she can best help you as a direct sales trainer via email to or phone to 0408084128
LARGE 10 Step Party Plan Memory Flip Book
Take this book to your party & use as your cue cards to remember exactly what to do and say every step of the party; Never get stage fright & be lost for words again! (LARGE SIZE)

SMALL 10 Step Party Plan Memory Flip Book
Take this book to your party & use as your cue cards to remember exactly what to do and say every step of the party; Never get stage fright & be lost for words again! (SMALL SIZE)
SMALL 10 Step Party Plan Memory Flip Book
Take this book to your party & use as your cue cards to remember exactly what to do and say every step of the party; Never get stage fright & be lost for words again! (SMALL SIZE)

Direct Sales Desktop Calendar
We print your calendar with 12 months in advance from your date of purchase; This calendar is a visual reminder of the key points to party plan success; great for team gifts.

E-BOOK: How to Get Bookings WHEN YOU HAVE NONE
Fast and simple strategies that have been tested to find brand new party hosts outside your friends and family contacts.

E-BOOK: 10 Ways to Overcome the Fear of the Phone
Perfect for you if you struggle with party host cancellations or you procrastinate with hostess coaching in direct sales
E-BOOK: 10 Ways to Overcome the Fear of the Phone
Perfect for you if you struggle with party host cancellations or you procrastinate with hostess coaching in direct sales

Hi Mel!!!!I’m still buzzing from an outta this world weekend!! Closed Sunday night’s party last night and my Hostess is going to be receiving over $500 worth of FREE NORWEX!!! That is the best result I’ve had so far for any Hostess, and man it feels AWESOME!!!
One of the guests was keen to join at the end of the week as she wanted her friend to get as many rewards as possible…can understand and respect that. Well, she shocked me by signing up last night!! This from a lady who laid down the gauntlet so to speak with her first Party Comment. Five days later, she’s my latest Team Member and looking at a fantastic future for herself and her partner.
But wait there’s more….infomercial much? Hehehehe, couldn’t resist. Three bookings with the furtherest one being in 13 days time. You’ve certainly given me the courage and kick in the butt to believe in myself, in my business and in the very generous Host Rewards which are exciting!! Why wouldn’t people want to book in close to the original Party date! I’m far more confident in keeping my bookings close and keeping my Business rolling along at a pace I’m slightly uncomfortable with but enjoying.
THANK YOU!!! Thank You for sharing your experiences, your techniques…for sharing you. Thank You for showing a smarter way of keeping our businesses alive and keeping diaries full and fun.
See you tomorrow for the latest Webinar….I’m really looking forward to learning more, especially about using FB Live for a more interesting, gripping, fun Online Event for my ladies!

“I’m currently doing the “Road Map to Party Plan Success” home study course and I’d just like to say how much I am enjoying it! I’m really learning a lot and I have my very 1st party coming up and I can’t wait to implement all I’ve learnt! I just know that if I do all you have taught me, I can be a real success! You have no idea how much confidence I have in myself and my business now after all your helpful advice!
Thank you so much. Can’t wait to continue to learn from you Melanie!”

“If you are procrastinating about spending the money to sign up with Melanie’s course, stop now.
I finally did and when I received my package I was blown away to have [the personal touch]… today I received a phone call from Melanie. You cannot do better than that…”

“Thank you so much for your information. I took some points out of your video and implemented them into my parties this weekend. I booked six parties off of two parties this weekend!!!”