If you are a direct seller who is tired of no one answering your phone calls; if you’re one of many self-confessed procrastinators when it comes to follow-up calls – let me help you save time and use your energy in a better way.
Let’s learn how to get bookings ON THE DAY of your vendor events!
- But, first things first, we need to learn how to find vendor events that don’t cost a fortune. The easiest way to do this is to Google some keywords (fairs, expos, markets, etc.) and your target city. That should do the trick and land you at least 2- 3 good search results with telephone numbers to book your attendance with the event organizer in a flash. If you ever find yourself without bookings, don’t delay going out on a vendor event, for it’s a gold mine when it comes to landing brand new bookings!
Now, the only thing left to do is to call up the organizer(s) and ask about conditions to book a stall at their event. Ask them the cost for a stall & if you need any insurance.
- When you’re at the vendor event, make sure you focus on getting bookings before anything else. It’s good to make a profit from selling, but that won’t allow the flow-on benefits for your business. So, bookings first! What it does for our business is allows us to meet a bunch of new people on a regular basis, which gives us opportunities for building our team, meeting our next hostesses to gain more bookings, and of course, achieve sales at every party.
- At your regular parties you may get an average of 7 or 8 party guests, while at a vendor event, you are communicating to just one person at a time. So, while talking to that one person at a vendor event, focus on getting bookings instead of just selling products, because you then get an opportunity to do your party in front of a whole gathering of 7-8 people at just one party! It’s a far better use of your time. Just imagine being able to recruit, book and sell to a whole new crowd of people, simply because you asked one person at a vendor event to book a party….. that’s what you want!
- We said that vendor events save you time and energy, and indeed, instead of making a dozen phone calls, you just go and do this one event with the same result, if not better. In our webinar called How to Get Bookings When You Have None, I give you exact script(s) I use to get bookings on the day of a vendor event. If you’re lucky & if the timing is right, that webinar MIGHT be on a free viewing at http://www.partyplan123.com/none/ right now, or you are welcome to purchase the replay any time at https://yz105.infusionsoft.com/app/orderForms/webinar-NONE
Building the Momentum of Success to Get Bookings on the Day of a Vendor Event
- Firstly and most importantly, make sure to leave a memorable impression even with your table/stall setup. Bring out the big guns, your most popular products, and lay them out in a beautiful display. Arrange everything effectively to catch people’s attention with the products that you know people are going to love the most.
- NEXT: This is a universal tip, whether you’re at a party, at a vendor event or doing home visits – get your products into the hands of your audience. Offer them to handle, inspect and try them out and make sure to ask questions to engage them – “what do you like the look of the most?” for example. Once you get an answer, hand the product to them and invite them to try it out. Do a little demonstration, if possible, and say a thing or two about its benefits.
It is actually quite important not to skip this tip – the results are always better when you allow the chance for your potential customers to experience your product(s), rather than just look at them in a catalogue or as part of a table arrangement.
- Now that your product has found its way into the hands of potential new team members, hostesses or customers, it’s the perfect time for my magic script that converts passers-by into your next best hosts, customers & team members! And if you still don’t have this script, my webinar will give the exact words to say to help you get the bookings on the day of the vendor event. REMINDER – If you’re lucky & if the timing is right, that webinar MIGHT be on a free viewing at http://www.partyplan123.com/none/ right now, or you are welcome to purchase the replay any time at https://yz105.infusionsoft.com/app/orderForms/webinar-NONE.
To recap…
What we’ve covered today are several tips to follow in order to benefit from vendor events to the fullest. In short, these are:
- How you can find the appropriate vendor event for you specifically in just 15-20 minutes?
- Don’t procrastinate! Take action and enjoy the benefits.
- Why is it so important to focus on bookings before making sales?
- Once at the event, make sure to attract attention with your gorgeous-looking product display.
- Showcase your most popular products.
- Finally, allow the chance for your visitors to touch and try your products. You know they’ll gonna love them!
- Afterwards, it’s just a formality – follow the script that I share with you in my free webinar above, and you’ll be all set to never, ever run out of bookings again!
Whenever you find yourself without parties booked in, turn to promotional events – vendor events or competition lead boxes, flyer drops or mystery host parties. These are all worthy activities that will lead to results and new bookings if you repeat them often enough. Keep yourself busy!
I’m cheering you on, Party Plan Princess!
~ Melanie xo
Melanie Parker
Founder of Party Plan 123
“NEVER EVER Run out of Bookings AGAIN!”
Phone: +61 408 084 128
Email: Melanie@PartyPlan123.com
Website: www.PartyPlan123.com
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