Quick News First:


4 Top Tips to EXPLODE YOUR INCOME in Direct Sales at http://www.partyplan123.com/explode/

2) Simple Words So That Your Party Guests WANT to Book, Buy and Join

In this article when you scroll down further

3) 10 FREE CDs to Give Away ends soon for the first 10 new members in this free training pack including:

BE QUICK!  GO TO >>> http://www.partyplan123.com/fab/

  • ♥ Fabulous Follow Up Forms + Training videos & resources
  • ♥ 60 days free of The Daily Dose Video Training which includes:
  • ♥ How to get bookings WHEN YOU HAVE NONE
  • ♥ How to stop cancellations
  • ♥ How to get bookings before Christmas
  • ♥ The 10 steps of the party to NEVER Run out of Bookings AGAIN!
  • ♥ >>> PLUS…. 80 days free in our Online Parties & Social Media Made Simple Training Program

4) The Road Map to Party Plan Success

Home Study Course on Sale NOW at http://www.partyplan123.com/yes/

As Direct Sellers and Party Plan Consultants, we all want our party guests to book a party, buy our products and join our team…. That’s the goal!

I’m sure you’ve heard your leader, sales trainer or company director talk to you about the 3 pillars to our business;


  2. BOOK

  3. SELL

BUT…. How does our party guest feel when we use these kinds of words and language? Is what we say at a party working for us?  Or are we coming across to our party guests as being pushy and salesy?

What works best is putting ourselves into the shoes of our party guests and thinking about why they would want to say ‘YES’ to what we are offering; what’s in it for them?

Begin by using words that describe what we have to OFFER and to GIVE to our party guests, instead of focusing on what we are trying to GET.



Let me describe it to you by showing how you can replace the words of RECRUIT, BOOK, SELL with Words that Work So That Your Party Guests WANT to Book, Buy and Join:

    1. RECRUIT – change the words to talking about the ‘Generous Income Opportunity’ that you have to offer
    2. BOOK – delete the words ‘book a party’ and catch the attention of every party guest by talking about the ‘FREE PRODUCTS that you have to give away today’, meaning the freebies, gifts, bonuses and/or discounts that your host gets in host rewards from you and your company (more on that below)
    3. SELL – avoid using salesy and logical words like ‘buy’, ‘order’ and ‘purchase’. Switch the language to talking about becoming our next VALUED CUSTOMER in support of Sally our host today. Or as your guest sits down to place their order with you ask them, “What have you chosen to spoil yourself with today?”



All three of these suggested words and phrases can be demonstrated beautifully in an enticing party introduction that might go something like this:

  1. XYZ Company is so generous & we have so much on offer to give you today!
  2. If you fall in love with every product, please check out this little card (hold up your recruitment/business brochure) because we have a fabulous INCOME OPPORTUNITY for you!
  3. We have loads of FREE PRODUCTS to give away! (Hold up your host reward brochure) In fact, today we are looking for the first 3 ladies who wish to say ‘Yes’ to the FREE PRODUCTS!
  4. And as a valued customer you also have the opportunity to build your very own stylish collection of our products in support of Sally, our hostess!



Try this at your next party and watch how the guests begin to pay much more attention to what you do next, each step of the party.

This is just one tiny little section of the training that we do inside of our ‘Road Map to Party Plan Success’ course. Module 3 is where we walk you through all 10 steps of the party so that you know exactly what to do and say at your party with the goal that you will never ever run out of party bookings again!



We’d love to have you join us as our newest member inside ‘The Road Map to Party Plan Success!  We would love to post you out your pack of CDs, DVDs, workbook and organisational systems as an option when you get started with us.  You can start here today if you wish – http://www.partyplan123.com/roadmap-to-party-plan-success/

My wish for you is endless bookings, sale, and new team members… ALWAYS!

~ Melanie xo

Here’s our NEXT FREE WEBINAR! Topic: “How to Get Sales, Bookings & Recruits Before Christmas + Re-Start Your Party Bookings In The New Year”

To claim your FREE SPOT – go to https://yz105.isrefer.com/go/christmas-success/fb/

Webinar Topic:  “How to Get Sales, Bookings & Recruits Before Christmas + Re-Start Your Party Bookings In The New Year”

To claim your FREE SPOT – go to https://yz105.isrefer.com/go/christmas-success/fb/


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Melanie Parker
Founder of Party Plan 123
“NEVER EVER Run out of Bookings AGAIN!”
Phone: +61 408 084 128
Email: Melanie@PartyPlan123.com
Website: www.PartyPlan123.com

Let’s connect!

“How?”Just click on any social media link below:

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Questions? Email Melanie@PartyPlan123.com.
Marketing and Earnings Disclaimer – We don’t believe in get rich programs – only in hard work, adding value and serving others. Our programs are intended to help you never run out of bookings again in your party plan business and to make a difference in the lives of your family. Our programs take a lot of work and discipline just like any worthwhile endeavor or professional continuing education program. Please don’t enrol in our programs if you believe in the “money for nothing get rich quick” ideology; we only want serious people who want to finally figure this party plan thing out. As stipulated by law, in promoting this and all our programs we use illustrative numbers only and we cannot and do not make results guarantees or give professional or legal advice. That’s why it’s important that you read all of our terms and earnings disclaimers via the link below as you are not guaranteed to get results or earn an income with our ideas. Any examples or results we’ve shared in the past give you no assurance you’ll do as well or earn any income. However, we do guarantee your satisfaction and you have a full 30 days from purchase to evaluate our program and request a refund. It’s all the regular legal disclaimers — don’t think you’ll make money easily or at all, consult professionals before starting/operating businesses, etc — but we feel transparency is important and we hold ourselves (and you) to a high standard of integrity. That’s why we also put our disclaimers on all our checkout pages.
Thanks for stopping by. Until next time, choose success in your mind, never stop learning, and take action today. www.PartyPlan123.com, founded by Melanie Parker.
“NEVER EVER Run out of Bookings AGAIN!”

♥ Melanie Parker, founder of Party Plan 123 & creator of ‘The Road Map to Party Plan Success

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN PRINT OR ONLINE? Go ahead, but please do not alter it and do include the following information (with active links as appropriate)  Melanie Parker is the creator of ‘The Road Map to Party Plan Success’ home study course & one of the top party-plan consultants worldwide using fast & proven strategies to NEVER EVER Run out of Bookings AGAIN!  She founded Party Plan 123 to teach up & coming consultants worldwide how to master the skills necessary to survive & thrive in the party plan industry.

Melanie’s authentic, easy-to-understand & easy-to-implement training has become highly sought after.  Her videos, books, newsletters, products &seminars inspire thousands of people around the world to never give up.  Experience more of Melanie’s generous tips for success at www.PartyPlan123.com